
6 Design Tips to Bounce-Proof Your Site

You’ve been keeping an eye on your analytics and start to see your visitors grow, but notice one disconcerting number grow as well — your bounce rate. Fortunately, there are things you can do about it. In this post we present design aspects that will help decrease your bounce rate.

1. Simple & Easy Navigation

Start from the homepage, since it’s typically the most visited page. Homepage should be able to orient shoppers immediately and easily find the direction they want to go.

Avoid cluttered layouts as well as unnecessary information, this will likely get shoppers frustrated and leave if they can’t easily find what they’re looking for.

2. Campaigns Landing Page Consistency

Ads created for search campaigns should have consistent messaging with the landing pages they direct to. The user clicked on that ad for a specific reason, so be sure to give them what they thought they were coming for before they click away.

Inconsistent messaging between an ad and the linking landing page can generate all kinds of confusions in the shopper.

3. Offer Related Content

Chances are shopper may not engage with the first piece of content they come across in your website.

Having related content available a mouse click away can keep them from closing their browser and heading elsewhere, specially when you can target this content with relevant website categories.

4. Remove Any Distractions

Although it should be obvious, avoid any design aspects that will frustrate and distract visitors from engaging with your site.

This includes pop ups and autoplay audio or video, which can cause your users to click away quickly. Read this blog post to learn about eliminating distractions.

5. Focus on Your Speed

How long do you wait for a webpage to load before closing out the tab and going elsewhere? 

Make sure your speed is fast enough that doesn’t hurt the shopping experience. This can even affect your Google search ranking, as Google has been known to use site speed as a ranking factor.

GTMetrix is a great tool to measure your website speed (among other analysis options).

6. Invest in Great Design

Overall, don’t skimp out on a great website design just to cut costs. Design sends a signal of the quality and legitimacy of your business and can directly affect your visitors actions on your website.

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